❯ Use this Gate.io referral code: 3642884 and win 30% discount! Gate.io is a bitcoin exchange platform supports BTC, ETH, and more assets trading.
What is Gate.io referral code?
3642884, To activate the promotion, either click on the referral link or copy and paste the Gate.io promo code when you sign up to Gate.io.
How can I share my Gate.io referral code?
Once you signed up to Gate.io you can earn Gate.io invite rewards by sharing you own referral code to your friends and family. You can also publish your code on parrainage to share it to users around the world that are looking for a Gate.io referral code and promo codes.
Does Gate.io have a referral program?
Yes. It's and it's still working today as far as we know.
Where can I find my Gate.io referral link?
In the "Refer" section of the main menu.
Are there any fees to participate in the Gate.io referral program?
Nope! It's free!
Is this program valid worldwide?
As far as we know, it works everywhere.
What are the required actions to secure the Gate.io referral rewards?
You simply need to sign up with one of the Gate.io invite codes shared above.